
Consulting to the Wine Industry:
This practice recognises the unique role of a winery. It is both a production facility and a corporate statement with a powerful public image.

In the wine industry, more than anywhere else, we celebrate and emphasise the synergy between these basic industrial processes and the desirable places they inhabit.

Good winery design strives to achieve the right balance between the two. All too often, clients and designers are beguiled by the romantic prestige that attaches to winemaking and the spectacular buildings that have resulted from it. However, all the cachet in the world will not make a winery work if the essentials have been overlooked.

Effective design of a wine-making facility requires intimate knowledge of oenological processes. These complex and diverse options are constantly changing and today’s trend can easily be tomorrow’s industry joke.

Greg de Bruyn, as the only qualified Architect/Cape Wine Master in the country, with extensive experience in designing, establishing and managing wine estates, has a unique perspective of the challenges that face a client entering this field.

In association with, and under the aegis of Peter Hesselberg Architects, we were responsible for all the hospitals and clinics in the Netcare Portfolio, up to and during their amalgamation with Clinic Holdings. Some projects are listed in the projects portfolio.

Other Specialised Services:

  • Contractual disputes, drafting of contracts and construction documentation.
  • Promotional and corporate copy-writing, press releases.
  • Wine writing, education, judging, assessment and promotional copy.
  • Chartered scapegoats;  Crisis-mongers;  Counter-confrontationalists;  Ad-hoc improvisers;  Dream-shapers and fantasists to the gentry;  Thumb-suckers, muchnessers and guestimators;  Number-crunchers and statistampers;  Facilitators and lubricators;  Finders, makers and getters;  Multi-disciplinary word-smiths;  Obstacle eradicators;  Downside elevationists…